Monday 19 January 2015

3:6:9 Video

 This video was done by Robin, Farren and Makayla.

What was great about the video is how the music sync so well with the video. What wasn't great about it is on some parts of the video, there was some shakiness from the camera and that it kind of ruined the mood of the video. We wanted the music to be sad and thoughtful because the video doesn't look bright from the lighting. It would be confusing if we put happy music on a dark place. Since some parts have shakiness from the camera, we cut most of the shaky parts. We also tried to cut the bad parts out and doing that somehow made the video be in sync with the music. So it happened by coincidence.  The pace is slow and the transitions faded so it can help make the mood of sadness and thoughtfulness. Me working with Robin and Farren was great because we get to share our knowledge and experiences. I also had fun with them.

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