Tuesday 10 May 2016

Principles of Animation

Soooo, here's the same video from my last post. This time, I will analyze the video for some principles of animation. So one of the principles of animation is the exaggeration on 0:25. It was a good use of exaggeration because putting all of that into one word gave it a lot of energy and it clearly sends the viewers that word to their face. Another principle that I spotted was both arcs and staging in 1:05. The words were coming into view in an arc, sitting on top of the world. It was a good use of both of those principles because it sets the stage of the world with the line, "Now the world is torn apart". The stage matched with the line and it fits well with the video. And in 1:24 , there was a squash and stretch with a bit of follow through and overlapping action. The line, "I'm howling at the moon", was stretched at first and then it was squashed down for the words to rest. It was a good use of squash and stretch because it gives the line some weight and adds variety to the typography.

And that's it....

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